

thank you for your time!

Thank you for completing this survey. I am conducting it as part of my MA studies. Your responses will remain anonymous and be used along with others from Reading as a point of comparison with responses from members of another denomination in the US. 

I am curious to discover some of what God has planted within us in Reading and how he has been shaping us for mission/ministry in the UK. For the sake of clarity and focus the survey looks at ministry to the poor as a particular part of mission. You will find that my use of the word ‘ministry’ in the survey is more akin to the word ‘mission’ and not so much about prayer ministry as we are more used to at NVC. 

When approaching the questions, I encourage you not to spend much time ‘in your head’ but invite you rather to give your heart-response. Your responses don’t need to be polished in any way, dot points, descriptors, graphics, quotes and images are all very welcome – whatever comes easiest for you. 

Thanks again!