Move forward with hope
online Resources
To get you started I have prepared a series of free videos for you. There are two presentations: “Essentials for Living a Fulfilled Life”. And five Daily Reflections that take you on a journey to tap into God’s peace and tune into his heart for you; included are some practical tips on dealing with the stress of impending change as well as some possible next steps for you to take. After that there are are a series of 10 minute podcasts and journaling resources that you access, also for free.
Online Sign Up
The Coaching Journey
A series of 1-2-1 coaching sessions with me to help you make the significant changes you want, that will help you move forward with hope.
I have crafted a journey that will help you go from where you are now to the life and experience you were made for, a life of deep fulfilment, not just for a month or two, but sustainable and life long. You can read below about what we will be doing in each of the five phases of our journey.
Deep Dive
My Approach
I believe that when God made you he crammed you full of gift and potential, of dreams and possibility. Every now and then we each face a choice to either carry on living in default mode or to re-focus on a future with that potential and possibility, those dreams and gifts lived out in increasing measure. If you choose the latter, you’re in for the ride of your life, and a sustainable life of deep fulfilment.
Coaching is how I can journey with you to facilitate your learning and growth so you can become the leader or person God made you to be, to reach those God-breathed goals you have and realise that potential He has placed in you; it’s a very personal and creative partnership. Just like an athlete’s coach, my job is to set you up for, to facilitate, and to encourage the hard work you will do, to get to where you want to be. From time to time it may be that I can also provide a little mentoring if I have some relevant experience that you don’t yet have – I can pass that on to you through fellowship, dialogue and role modelling.
Get me started!