
 the Blog

Moving forward with Hope 
What’s all the fuss about trauma?

What’s all the fuss about trauma?

Blog Post whats all the fuss? about trauma"With all the talk about becoming trauma informed, I really don't know what all the fuss is about! I don't deal with traumatised people and I certainly am not traumatised myself. It feels like a lot of hype over something that...

Coaching Friends

Coaching Friends

Blog Post Coaching Friends moving forward with hope'I have a friend, who is a coach, should I hire them as a coach even though we know each other quite well?’ This is a great question and one that comes up regularly for me as a coach. Friends and colleagues who really...

Changing Well

Changing Well

Blog Post CHanging Well  posts for a fulfilled lifeA leader moves on, and a new one arrives, new possibilities emerge but old dreams are shattered, hope rises but feelings are hurt, and one or many eventually move on. A new year comes around, ‘fresh with no mistakes’,...

The Joy and Freedom of Boundaries

The Joy and Freedom of Boundaries

Blog Post Joy and Freedom of Boundaries  posts for a fulfilled lifeI found myself stressed out, burnt out and sick as a dog. Unable to dislodge the anxious thoughts. ‘Will she be OK?’ ‘What have I forgotten?’ ‘I’m so far away.’ ‘ She must be taken care of.’ Meanwhile...

From Rules to Liberation

From Rules to Liberation

Blog Post A Rule of Life  posts for a fulfilled lifeSo you come to the end of the week and your heart sinks into your empty tank of energy as you anticipate spending time with your nearest and dearest; you just want to collapse in a heap and hide from the world. You...



Blog Post What is Coaching? posts for a fulfilled lifeThirteen months ago, my answer would have been very different to what it is now! I had experienced some ‘coaching’ at work and all it achieved was to wind me up and harden my view that it was not for me....

Joseph the Re-Framer

Joseph the Re-Framer

Blog Post Reframing Life? posts for a fulfilled lifeA couple of years ago while I was on retreat my view of my early life was completely changed, for the better. A couple of months ago I was able to articulate my story in a completely different and life giving way....

The Struggle for Your Future.

The Struggle for Your Future.

Blog Post your Future You posts for a fulfilled lifeHave you seen the movie The Adjustment Bureau? It's a great film about free will. In the story ‘God’ delegates to some of his angels the task of making sure the ‘plans’ for individuals happen, but some of them (the...

Life is Beautiful!

Life is Beautiful!

Blog Post Life is Beautiful! posts for a fulfilled life Looking back on my teens and twenties I remember ‘learning’ to be careful about what I dared to dream of or ask God for. There was a belief in the church culture which I was part of that if you really didn't want...

It’s Going to be Tremendous!

Move forward with hope

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